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public:ifi-cluster [2021/03/24 15:26]
Mircea Munteanu [Monitoring Tool]
public:ifi-cluster [2021/05/04 16:50] (current)
Simon Haller-Seeber
Line 1: Line 1:
-The Department of Computer Science hosts a computing cluster for scientific workloads. Please also consider the [[https://​​zid/​systeme/​hpc-systeme/#​HDR3|HPC Services offered by our ZID]] as they may suit your requirements better. +This page moved to the namespace servicesLink: [[:services:​ifi-cluster]].
- +
-====== Hardware ====== +
-The System runs in 3W06 in the ICT Building. It consists of 17 Nodes with the following specification +
-  Motherboard:​ ASRock Fatal1ty X399 Professional Gaming +
-  CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X WOF +
-  Memory: G.Skill D4128GB 2400-15 Flare X K8 +
-  SSD: WD Black SN750 500 GB, NVMe 1.3 , Read: 3470 MB/s, Write: 2600 MB/s +
- +
-Nodes gc1-gc8 ​ offer +
-  GPU: 4x ZOTAC GeForce RTX 2070 Blower, 8 GB (GDDR6, 256 Bit) +
-Nodes 9-16  offer +
-  GPU: 4x ASUS GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER TURBO EVO, 8 GB (GDDR6, 256 Bit) +
-Nodes 17  offer +
-  GPU: 1x NVIDIA TITAN RTX, 24 GB (GDDR6, 384 Bit) +
-   +
-The head node (the one without GPUs) has 2TB additional storage capacity that is reachable from all nodes. +
- +
-====== Network ====== +
-The nodes are interconnected through a Gigabit Ethernet Switch. The upstream connection of the head node is Gigabit Ethernet. The nodes have 10 Gigabit Connections for MPI. +
- +
-====== System Configuration ====== +
-  * All nodes run the latest Version of Ubuntu Server LTS which is 18.04.2 (Bionic Beaver). +
-  * All nodes have the same home directories mounted. +
-  * SLURM is used as job scheduler. +
-  * ifi-auth is used as authentication backed. +
- +
-====== Storage ====== +
-Your home directory /​home/​name.surname should not exceed 100GB.Permission should be 700 in case you do not share it. +
- +
-  $chmod 700 /​home/​name.surname +
- +
- +
-A 18TB HDD space is available ​to the GPU Cluster as a scratch spaceIt uses the 1G network. +
- +
- Mount point is /scratch on each node  +
- +
- for better usage please: +
- +
- ​create a directory for yourself ​ using the same username you have  for the cluster and set accessibility only to you. +
- +
- (in case you need to share a directory give permissions for group/​others 750 or 755) +
- +
-  $cd /scratch +
- +
-  $mkdir name.surname +
- +
-  $chmod -R 700 /​scratch/​name.surname +
-  +
-===== Installed Software Packages ===== +
-Ubuntu Distribution Packages: +
-  * Python 2.7 +
-  * Python 3.6 +
-  * gcc 7.4 +
-  * GNU Make 4.1 +
-Loadable Modules: +
-  * Open MPI 4.0.0 (/​software-shared) +
-  * mpich 3.3.1 (/​software-shared) +
- +
-===== Modules ===== +
-[[https://​​cea-hpc/​modules|Environment Modules]] can be used to modify a users environment. Use this to dynamically load modules in your ''​sbatch''​ script. +
- +
-basic commands: +
-  module avail -- list available modules +
-  module show [module name] -- show details about one module +
-  module help [module name] -- show help from one module +
- +
-example usage in ''​sbatch''​-script:​ +
-  module load openmpi +
-  module unload openmpi  +
- +
-====== Authorization ====== +
-To request access to ifi-cluster ​users have to subscribe to the [[https://​​2080/​mailman/​listinfo/​ifi-cluster|mailing list]]. +
- +
-====== Usage ====== +
-After registration you can log into the system with your IFI credentials using ssh on ****. +
- +
-===== Show running Jobs ===== +
-  squeue +
- +
-===== Submit Job ===== +
- +
-==== Batch Job ==== +
- +
-write a configuration file similar to this basic example +
-<file bash>​ +
-#!/bin/bash -l +
-#SBATCH --partition=IFIgpu +
-#SBATCH --job-name=firstDemo +
-#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,​END,​FAIL ##​optional +
-#SBATCH ##​optional +
-#SBATCH --account=your_group ##change to your group +
-#SBATCH --uid=your_username ​ ##change to your username +
-#SBATCH --nodes=2 +
-#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 +
-#SBATCH --mem=4G +
-#SBATCH --time=0-00:​30:​00 +
-#SBATCH --output slurm.%N.%j.out # STDOUT +
-#SBATCH --error slurm.%N.%j.err # STDERR +
-srun /​bin/​hostname | /​usr/​bin/​sort +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-^Option^Description^ +
-| %%--partition=%% ​ | specifies on which partition you want to run your job. Available partitions are: IFIall-for CPU computation,​ IFIgpu -for GPU computation , IFItitan - for large GPU computation on a nVidia Titan GPU Card| +
-| %%--job-name=%% | you can define a name for your job (this field is optional) | +
-|%%--mail-type=%% |to receive an email if desired. Valid type values are NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, ALL, +others see official documentation ​ (this field is optional) | +
-|%%--mail-user=%%| specify the users email. it could be any UIBK email. if %%--mail-type%% is specified to other then NONE and %%--mail-user%% is missing emails will be send to local user on the IFI cluster (check it with "​mail"​ command on headnode)| +
-|%%--account=%%| specify the group you are belonging to| +
-|%%--uid=%%| specify your_username| +
-|%%--nodes=%% |on how many nodes should your job run. the scheduler will allocate the number of nodes to your job | +
-|%%--ntasks-per-node=%%| Request that ntasks be invoked on each node| +
-|%%--mem=%%| Specify the real memory required per node. Default units are megabytes. Different units can be specified using the suffix %%[K|M|G|T]%% | +
-|%%--time=%%| Set a limit on the total run time of the job allocation. If the requested time limit exceeds the partition'​s time limit, the job will be left in a PENDING state (possibly indefinitely)| +
-|%%--output=<​filename pattern>​%%| the batch script'​s standard output will be directly to the file name specified in the "​filename pattern"​. By default both standard output and standard error are directed to the same file| +
-|%%--error=<​filename pattern>​%%| the batch script'​s standard error will be directly to the file name specified in the "​filename pattern"​.| +
-srun /​bin/​hostname | /​usr/​bin/​sort %%--%% the command that you want to run +
- +
- +
-Run the file with ''​**sbatch %%--test-only <<​filename>>​%%**''​ to check the syntax and with ''​**sbatch <<​filename>>​**''​ to submit it. +
- +
- +
-=== Other valid and useful options:​=== +
- +
-^Option^Description^ +
-| %%--exclusive[=user]%% | The job allocation can not share nodes with other running jobs (or just other users with the "​=user"​ option). | +
-| %%--gres=<​list>​%% | Specifies a comma delimited list of generic consumable resources (GPUs). The format of each entry on the list is "​name:​type:​count"​ (i.e - -gres=gpu:4 ) | +
- +
- +
-There is also an {{ :​public:​ccompile.txt |example script}} for C-Compilation. +
- +
-Use the official Documentation website for details: https://​​sbatch.html +
- +
-==== Interactive Job ==== +
- +
-  srun /​bin/​hostname +
-   +
-==== Interactive shell session ==== +
-  srun --nodes=1 --nodelist=gc3 --ntasks-per-node=1 --time=01:​00:​00 --pty bash -i +
-will get you an shell on gc3 node for one hour +
-===== Cancel Job ===== +
-  scancel <<​jobid>>​ +
- +
-The basic commands can be found in the [[https://​​quickstart.html|SLURM User Guide]] +
- +
-====== Monitoring Tool ====== +
- +
-The live monitoring tool for the cluster can be found at[[https://​​smokeping/?​target=IFIcluster|HERE]] +
- +
- +
-====== Contact ====== +
-Contact if you have problem or further questions. For administration purposes there is also the internal documentation. +
- +
-===== Internal Chat ===== +
-IFI Internal Chat Room for the GPU Cluster can be accessed at [[https://​​room/#​ifi-cluster:​ |Matrix Chat]]+
Last modified: 2021/03/24 15:26 by Mircea Munteanu