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public:software:matlab [2015/07/01 14:47]
admin created
public:software:matlab [2018/11/07 12:15] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ==== HowTo Access matlab ==== ==== HowTo Access matlab ====
-=== Access ​at the university ===+=== Local Installation === 
 +Visit the [[https://​​apex/​prod/​f?​p=swv|ZID Software]] website. Order the Version you need and follow the installation instructions provided by the ZID (Central IT Services) 
 +=== Linux access from within ​the university ​network ​===
 == remote access from /usr/site == == remote access from /usr/site ==
Line 8: Line 13:
 add following line to your /etc/fstab add following line to your /etc/fstab
-  ​ + 
-  ​​vol/​zeta/​qt-lux-root/​v3/​site /​usr/​site nfs ro,​tcp,​fg,​intr,​hard,​nolock,​noauto 0 0+  ​​vol/​lux_sw/​qt-lux-root/​v4/​site /​usr/​site nfs ro,​tcp,​fg,​intr,​hard,​nolock,​noauto 0 0
 == start matlab from /usr/site == == start matlab from /usr/site ==
Line 18: Line 23:
   /​usr/​site/​matlab/​R2014a/​bin/​matlab   /​usr/​site/​matlab/​R2014a/​bin/​matlab
-=== Local Installation === 
-Visit the [[https://​​apex/​prod/​f?​p=swv|ZID Software]] website. Order the Version you need and follow the installation instructions provided by the ZID (Central IT Services) 
Last modified: 2015/07/01 14:47 by admin