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Problem Solving 101

This page is intended to speed-up solving your problems. Read this page carefully.

Two-factor authentication

Please see the ZID page for more information

For Printing and Scanning

If you do not know how to setup your printer or HowTo scan - read this page: Printing and Scanning

If there is no paper in the printer - refill it (using the paper from the cupboard)

If the cartridge is empty or there is no paper left: write an email to your SysAdmin

Email and Calendar

If you have a problem using your mail-client - please read Mail

If you still have problems see section howto write a request and mail it to your SysAdmin.

General Problems (Building)

If there is a light not working, a dripping valve, something with the shading … :

open a webrowser:

login to VIS:online

  1. go to Verwaltung → Auftragsverwaltung GI
  2. go to “Neuer Auftrag” and enter/describe your problem.

General Problems in Lecture Rooms, Computer Rooms

Please fill in an request at

Software in Lecture Rooms, Computer Rooms (except 3W03, 3W04)

Computers in the computer rooms (lecture rooms) are generally operated and managed by ZID.
General software request for additional software can be made till 4 weeks before semester/term start!

  • Software requests for Windows: write an e-mail to with you request
  • Software requests for Linux: write an e-mail to

or use the ZID ticketing system at

Requests for 3W03, 3W04

Room reservation: Please contact your secretary, Anna-Maria, Manuela or Birgit from IFI-Referat.
Technical Problems / Feature Requests: mail your request to your SysAdmin.

How to write a request

  1. One request per mail
  2. A short, precise and clear summary of what you want

How to write a bug report

If you have problems with your software / external software and you cannot solve it on your own please note following steps:

  1. one report per mail
  2. give a short, precise and clear summary
  3. provide the software name and version you are using.
  4. the precise command you execute
  5. the precise error message
  6. for linux-based systems, additionally provide at least the output of:
uname -a
# for debian-based machines:
lsb_release -a

Depending on the problem maybe additionally the output of

Last modified: 2023/10/18 10:12 by Markus Kopp